Grades 3/4/5
The 3rd/4th/5th grade combination class at JVS is a multi-age classroom in which students are taught at independent skill levels with the curriculum, assignments, and expectations adjusted for each student. Students follow a rotating social studies and science curriculum integrated with language arts and themed literature studies. At this level, students “read to learn” and begin to develop written expression through various types of essays: literature responses, reports, narratives, procedural, persuasive, and personal. In math, students use the Eureka/EngageNy model with a focus on math games, problem solving and fluency. Students receive extra practice and extension learning through online platforms such as IXL, ReadWorks, and Zearn. Finally, social and emotional development is an emerging focus for students in this level. Understanding that peer relationships are crucial to healthy development, the classroom teacher along with the specials and resource teachers utilize activities and projects designed to encourage collaboration, communication, and compromise. Students are provided the needed time, guidance, and environments in which they can practice the skills necessary for navigating the complexities of co-existing with others with the end goal of greater independence.